Monday, October 11, 2010

Benefits Of Sweet Almond Oil For Your Hair

Benefits of Sweet Almond Oil for Your Hair

There are several factors that affect your health including overall healthy intake of vitamins and minerals, toxins in the environment and stress. When you take proper care of yourself it ultimately shows in your outward appearance through your skin and hair. One way to ensure your hair is healthy is to ensure it receives the proper amount of vitamins and minerals inside and out. Sweet almond oil is a great outside source of the essential vitamins and minerals needed for healthy hair.

Vitamin Rich

Sweet almond oil is a pure essential oil extracted from pressed almonds and is rich in vitamins A, B1, B6 and E. Vitamin B complex, including vitamin B6 has been shown to promote hair growth. Vitamin E contains antioxidants that promote the circulation of the scalp. Vitamin A contains antioxidants necessary to maintain healthy cell and membrane growth.

Mineral Rich

Sweet Almond oil is rich in magnesium, a mineral that is necessary to maintain hair growth. It is also a good source of iron, which is necessary for strong, healthy hair.

Moisture Rich

Sweet almond oil is a moisture rich oil that penetrates well into the hair shaft and follicles. The oil helps relieve hair dryness and itching promoting a healthy scalp. Applied to dry hair for at least ten minutes and then rinsed, the oil will leave your hair soft and shiny.

Tags: Rich Sweet, vitamins minerals, Almond Your, Almond Your Hair, Benefits Sweet, Benefits Sweet Almond, contains antioxidants