Monday, September 20, 2010

Overcoming Fear And Negative Emotions

Humankind has been on a quest to define beauty since the dawn of time. But beauty is more than a pretty face or a fading sunset. It can also be the resilience of a dandelion or the boisterous laugh of a child. Situations arise in life that challenge us and make us lose sight of the beauty that surrounds us. We can overcome those challenges, fears and emotional despair by realizing that the only darkness that exists is that which we perceive.


1. Observe nature. Notice the seasons and cycles of life that surround us every day. Enjoy the sights and sounds. Become aware of all the colors that exist right outside your front door.

2. Focus on positive emotions. Moving away from personal goals, beliefs or physical and mental health produces negative emotions. Focus instead on the positives in your life. Even if the positives are small and seemingly insignificant, focusing on them is better for you than wallowing in the dark.

3. Understand the value of negative emotions. Fear, anger, guilt, bitterness and hopelessness are a sort of internal guidance system. Negative emotions let us know that something in our lives is out of balance. They can provoke us to action, help us make decisions and alert us to emotional needs that are unmet.

4. Listen carefully to your internal dialogue and suspend judgment that encourages criticism. Choose a positive emotional response that supports clear decision making. Be kind and compassionate towards yourself, others and events. This will counteract the stress in your life and help lead you out of the darkness.

5. Respond with gratitude. Take inventory of all the ways you are fortunate. Write down "I am grateful for" and list all the benefits of your life. Be sincere and honest. An inner peace will emerge and start the process of restoring harmony in your life.

6. Create the life you want by living the way you want to live. For example, if you want love in your life, set that goal for yourself and then be loving to others. Keep a journal about the lessons you're learning in life. When you make your way out of the darkness, you will be able to see how far you've come.

7. Visualize yourself happy and feel all the positive emotions associated with your choices. Literally, imagine the situation from another point of view, (being on a mountain top instead of in the valley). Write a personal mission statement for yourself.

8. Remember good times from the past and know you will experience joy again. Be clear about your personal motives if you find that it feels impossible to see the beauty in life. You may be harboring some unconscious feelings towards another person, yourself and/or the situation.

Tags: your life, life that, positive emotions