Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Detox In 4 Days Quickly

There are teas that help detoxify the system.

When detoxing, it is important to provide the body nutrients it needs to function properly. A safe and fast detox, that can be done in four days, will need to incorporate vegetables that contain the proper vitamins and minerals. According to "Williams' Essentials of Nutrition & Diet Therapy," a detox should only be done under the supervision of a health practitioner.


1. Drink only liquids on the first day of the detox. "The Complete Illustrated Book of Herbs" recommends a dandelion root tea for a detox. Dandelion root tea is made by boiling the root in water then draining the water into a mug to drink. This can be consumed every four hours. Drink plenty of plain water and drink something like tomato juice at meal time.

2. Intake thicker drinks on the second day, like smoothies with protein powder added to keep the body running properly. Only use a minimal amount of fruits on this day. The natural sugars in fruit can deter the detox if too much is eaten. Also, drink vegetable juices and water.

3. Continue with the liquids on the third day, but at dinner time add some raw vegetables. Fresh is better, according to "Nutrition: The Science of Eating," as they have more nutrients and will continue to help flush the system.

4. Eat only raw foods and continue drinking plenty of water on the fourth day. "Nutrition: The Science of Eating" says that after four days of detoxing, the system should be clean of toxins. On this day, it is time to start to work the body back up to eating normally. Do this slowly to avoid diarrhea.

Tags: four days, Nutrition Science, Nutrition Science Eating, Science Eating