Friday, May 7, 2010

Get Internships From The Fda

If you're figuring out what do with a chemistry or an agriculture degree or deciding what government agency you'd like to work for, the FDA's internship program might be for you. Offering internships for budding scientist, farmers and policy makers, the FDA's many internship programs give students at all levels hands-on experience in their chosen field of study and valuable experience they can apply to their future careers.


1. Search for FDA internships by visiting your school's internship coordinator. Most schools will have list of government internships available for each agency. Alternatively, you can log on to the US Food and Drug Administration website and search for the Office of Policy Internships.

2. Choose the FDA internship program you want to do. The FDA offers internships in many different areas such as law, management, economics, pharmacy and government. Research each program and determine which one is the best fit for what you're looking to learn.

3. Write your resume and tailor it toward the program for which you apply. You don't have to put every bit of job experience you have on your resume. Instead, focus on areas of work and education that showcase the skills needed for the internship for which you apply.

4. Secure recommendations, because most FDA internships will require three letters of recommendation. Ask for these letters at least a month in advance of when you want to mail the application. Professors and employers are busy people and will need plenty of time to write your recommendations.

5. Send your internship application off at least a month ahead of the deadline. The earlier you get the application in the better your chances for getting the internship.

Tags: internship program, least month, which apply, your resume