Friday, July 26, 2013

Types Of Sleeping Medication

Getting enough sleep is required for growth, regeneration of tissue and rejuvenation. Sleep is also necessary for brain development and maintaining a healthy immune system. When insomnia strikes, it deprives the body of necessary repair in order to stay happy and healthy. Stress can make sleeping difficult, and a sleep enhancer is often sought as a temporary fix until matters are resolved. Recuperative sleep is necessary for daily functioning. Without adequate sleep, relationships and work suffer.

Short-Term Treatment

Short-term treatment used for relief of temporary insomnia is found in a class of drugs called sedative/hypnotics. These drugs include Restoril, Prosom, Halcion and Ambien. Sedative/hypnotic drugs produce a calming effect on the brain, enabling the insomniac to let go of the day and fall asleep peacefully. The ability to stay asleep is enhanced when taking these sleep inducers. Ambien ican have side effects, such as sleep-eating and sleep-driving. "I tell people about Ambien. Somebody said, 'Take this, it's mild.' I almost drove off a cliff 50 yards from my house." Jack Nicholson, quoted by Laura Barton and Charlie Brooker in "Pillows, Pills, and Potions," Guardian Unlimited, UK, Guardian.Co, Feb. 5, 2008.

Herbal Medicine

Virginia Hopkins Test Kits (see Resources) have herbal medicine that is non-addictive and calms the mind. Worry Free, an herbal medicine, quells anxiety, restlessness and irritability, allowing you to fall asleep naturally and care-free. It's a perfect balance for insomnia and other types of sleep disorders.

Drug Tolerances

Although prescription sleep medications from your health professional may help insomnia symptoms in the short term, insomnia cannot be cured by medication. Bad sleeping habits should be modified naturally in an effort to quit addiction to sleeping pills. This is important, because inevitably the sleeping pill dosage rises as the body becomes accustomed to the drug and needs more of it to have the same initial effect. Drug-less sleep restriction therapy helps the sufferer follow a pattern and stick to simple rules.


Sleep Once Again is a non-habit-forming sleep aid that is available online. The main ingredient is 99.5 percent pure Melatonin. Sleep Once Again is a quick-dissolving strip and all natural, to make you sleep in about 15 minutes.

Sominex and Nytol contain diphenhydramine, which will help you fall asleep faster. Side effects include drowsiness that extends well into the following day. A dry mouth and dizziness may be experienced. Both sleep medications are not recommended for pregnant women or those who are breastfeeding, or if you are suffering from, or have a history of, an enlarged prostate; previous heart problems or glaucoma.

Unisom contains doxylamine, which makes the user feel drowsy well into the next day. This sleep medication may be unsafe for pregnant or breastfeeding women. Those users who have a history of: bronchitis, asthma, peptic ulcers or an enlarged prostate should avoid taking this drug.

Benadryl may be used occasionally as a sleep aid. Benadryl is non habit-forming and makes the user feel drowsy. Side effects may include a dry mouth. All medications should be avoided by pregnant and nursing mothers without a doctor's recommendation.

Sleep Restriction

Do not work, eat or watch television in the bedroom; use the bedroom solely for sleep and go to bed only when you're drowsy. If you're not asleep within 20 minutes, don't lie there struggling to close your eyes. Get up and watch TV or read a book in the living room and make a glass of hot milk. Milk contains a natural chemical, also found in turkey, called L-Tryptophan, which is known to induce sleep.

Tags: fall asleep, effects include, enlarged prostate, feel drowsy, have history, makes user