Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Kinds Of Crystals

A close look at a crystal

Crystals are mineral rocks that exhibit a crystalline structure that exhibit regular and repetitive patterns. You can find them growing with many sides, flat surfaces and sharp corners that diversify them into different kinds of crystals. Each kind have their own significant properties that make them unique.


Quartz is the most common of all crystals that is formed from chains of silicon tetrahedron. Popular quartz are clear or cloudy and the streak is white, although they can be found in many different forms, from agate to jasper.


Halite is a rock salt that will taste like salt and is found in ancient bedrock that once contained salt lakes a long time ago. It is formed from perfect three-dimensional formed cubes in blue, purple, pink, yellow or gray colors.


This is the hardest crystal found in nature. Diamonds have four directions of cleavage that makes it split when struck. It is the birthstone for April and is a polymorph of carbon. It is usually transparent.


The first lasers in science were made from artificial ruby crystals. You can find rubies in different shades of red, as the non-red ruby is sapphire. It is made from a trigonal crystal system and the second hardest natural mineral in nature.


Gypsum forms very well in saline water. This crystals are found with different inclusions of other minerals and can have air pockets inside them too. It is usually white and is a natural insulator as well.

Tags: formed from, made from, that exhibit