Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Use Paragard

ParaGard is a type of intrauterine device implanted inside a woman's uterus as a way to prevent pregnancy. The device contains copper and can prevent pregnancy for as long as 12 years, twice as long as the Mirena IUD, which uses hormones to stop conception. Instead ParaGard prevents the sperm from reaching the egg as well as stopping implantation of the fertilized egg if fertilization does occur. You need to make an appointment with your gynecologist if you wish to use ParaGard.


1. Let your doctor know that you are interested in using Paragard IUD as your birth control method. She can provide you with a patient information booklet to educate you on the pros and cons of this method. Benefits include sexual spontaneity, that pregnancy can occur immediately after removal and that the Paragard IUD does not affect hormone levels. Disadvantages include period irregularities, that the IUD can slip out and the rare chance of infection. If you decide to have the IUD inserted, you will set up an appointment for the procedure.

2. Allow your doctor to insert the ParaGard IUD. She will use a special instrument in order to go through the cervix to place the IUD inside of the uterus. You may feel some mild cramping during the procedure.

3. Expect the ParaGard IUD to protect against pregnancy immediately. Since it does not use hormones to work, the IUD can stop conception right after insertion. Mirena IUD takes up to seven days to start working.

4. Return to your doctor for a follow up visit after the IUD is inserted. The physician will likely have you come in about a month after the procedure to check if the ParaGard is still in place. Each year at your annual gynecological visit, she will also examine you to check the IUD's placement.

5. Check your underwear and pads often to make sure the IUD has not fallen out. You should also check the ParaGard by using a clean finger to feel for the string at the base of your cervix.

Tags: your doctor, check ParaGard, prevent pregnancy, stop conception