Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Stop Bedwetting

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, 20 percent of five-year-old children still wet the bed. It can be an embarrassing issue for most children who suffer from this affliction. Many parents simultaneously wonder if the little one's wetting the bed is a sign of some great medical or emotional problem. The good news is most children usually resolve this problem without treatment, and there are plenty of solutions to be found for those in need of assistance.


1. Praise. Never humiliate. Humiliation will only add to your child's stress. Show compassion and sensitivity. Always praise him for dry nights. Buy him that toy or favorite ice cream when he has a dry night.

2. Considered urinary bed alarms. They are thought to be the most effective long term treatment. A sensor detects moisture and sounds an alarm, urging the child to get up and go to the bathroom. This can be a great method of correcting it and empowering your child to take care of the situation.

3. Train your child's bladder during the day. When your child has to go to the bathroom ask her to hold it for a minute or two. With each trip to the bathroom, ask her to hold it a little bit more. She will soon become a master at controlling her bladder.

4. Stop giving your child fluids a couple of hours before bed. Keep him properly hydrated through the day, but avoid liquids late at night. Make sure he urinates before bed.

5. Keep a supply of waterproof sheets and training pants. Keep using these until she is able to wake up dry three nights in a row.

6. Consider anti-diuretic medication if the problem persists. The medication works by slowing down the kidney's production of urine during rest.

Tags: your child, bathroom hold, before Keep, child bathroom, most children