Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Improving Self Esteem & Confidence

Acknowledging and Identifying Issues

The first step to overcoming problems like low self esteem and low self confidence is to acknowledge that you have a problem, and identify which areas of your life you can improve upon. Making a list of things you feel insecure about can help you attack the source of your insecurities. Many people tend to blow their faults out of proportion; everyone experiences insecurity, even successful people that exude self confidence. By acknowledging and identifying your issues, you will be able to consciously work to improve them, and limit their impact on your life. Talking about your insecurities with close family members, friends or a therapist can be a helpful way to become more comfortable with yourself and receive positive reinforcement.

Positivity and Overcoming Fears

High self esteem and confidence are largely a byproduct of a positive attitude. Optimists who focus on their good qualities and live in the moment rather than than dwelling on their inadequacies and what could potentially go wrong in every situation, tend to come off as confident and driven. Focusing on the positive tends to make others react positively toward you, which will go a long way toward increasing self esteem and confidence. Even in situations where one is uncomfortable and insecure, ignoring fears and putting on a face of confidence will often lead to genuine feelings of confidence. In some cases, there will be an obvious issue affecting one's self esteem that can potentially be remedied, such as being overweight. In such cases, aggressively combating the cause of the insecurity can improve confidence.

Confidence and Self Esteem Boosters

While optimism and making a conscious effort to be positive can boost self esteem, there are many other activities that can improve confidence. Working out regularly, staying fit and eating healthy foods is commonly associated with higher self esteem. Not only does being fit usually mean one is more comfortable with one's physical appearance, but it gives one more energy and relieves stress. Doing volunteer work or mission projects can be a good way to build self esteem. Making an effort to stay in contact with friends and participating in social activities can also help one feel more comfortable with oneself.

Tags: comfortable with, more comfortable, more comfortable with, self esteem, esteem confidence, improve confidence