Thursday, March 29, 2012

Hydrogen Peroxide Treatments For Herpes

The treatment of herpes is an expensive and complicated prospect. It involves trips to the doctor, antibiotics and other medications. That's why many people are looking for a less expensive option and discovering ways to cure this problem with a bottle of hydrogen peroxide from the drugstore.

Oral Herpes

Oral herpes causes breakouts on the face, especially around the mouth and lips. It may exist inside the mouth as well. Peroxide helps in oral herpes outbreaks as long as it's not ingested.

Genital Herpes

Genital herpes presents along the genital areas and lasts for seven to 10 days. Hydrogen peroxide treatments can clear these up in as little as two days.

Topical Creams

Topical creams are available both over the counter and with a prescription. These creams contain a small amount of hydrogen peroxide and help clear up the outbreak quickly.

Direct Approach

When an outbreak of herpes occurs, hydrogen peroxide applied directly to the affected area can treat them. It may take several days of applying the peroxide before the outbreak clears up.


At-home users place a full bottle of hydrogen peroxide into a warm bathtub and sit for at least an hour a day. This reduces the appearances of the herpes outbreak and dries out the sores.


Treating herpes at home should only be done once the problem is diagnosed by a doctor. Herpes can be mistaken for other conditions which the peroxide can't treat.

Tags: bottle hydrogen, bottle hydrogen peroxide, hydrogen peroxide, hydrogen peroxide