Monday, October 31, 2011

Treat Abnormal Shaped Tooth

With so many cosmetic dental techniques available, no one should ever have to suffer with an abnormally shaped tooth. Treating an abnormally shaped tooth is a simple process and can be accomplished in several different ways. If your smile is lacking vibrancy because a tooth is strangely shaped, try one of the following treatment options and be on your way to a big, healthy grin.


1. Prepare your tooth for a crown. If your tooth is cracked or broken the best treatment option is to fit it with a porcelain crown. The dentist will drill your tooth down on all sides and place a form-fitted crown on top. This will give you the appearance of a normally shaped tooth.

2. Attach a porcelain veneer to the surface of your abnormally shaped tooth. If the tooth that needs repair is one of the front four, either on the top or the bottom, have the dentist prepare your tooth for a veneer. These porcelain overlays attach right to the surface of the tooth.

3. Form a tooth-colored composite material over the abnormally shaped tooth. Form the composite into a tooth shape which then hardens on the original tooth structure. The composite can be shaped in any form necessary. Once the composite hardens, the dentist takes a drill and sands and polishes the tooth until it looks like a real tooth.

4. If the only abnormality is a small chip or a tooth that is longer than the others, use a drill and the proper drill bit to file down an abnormally shaped tooth. Sometimes the only treatment necessary is to smooth over or slightly drill the area. As long as the defect doesn't affect the nerve of the tooth, it can be drilled without anesthetic.

5. Apply braces to teeth that are abnormally shaped. If your teeth are crooked or too far apart, getting fitted for braces is the best way to treat the abnormal tooth structure.

Tags: abnormally shaped, abnormally shaped tooth, shaped tooth, your tooth, tooth Form, tooth structure, tooth that