Wednesday, March 18, 2009

What Is Assisted Living

An assisted living facility combines residential housing, personalized support services and health care for people who need some help with daily living activities. According to the Assisted Living Federation of America, over 1 million Americans live in assisted living residences (see Resources). Assisted living generally is on a scale between independent living and nursing care.


People choosing assisted living might simply be finding it too difficult to live on their own because of physical limitations, or they may have more significant problems such as Alzheimer's disease.

Combined Facilities

Continued retirement care facilities offer independent living, assisted living and nursing home options.


Assisted living facilities commonly are apartment complexes, or rooming complexes offering the choice of a single or double room. Also, large houses have been converted into comfortable assisted living residences.

Basic Services

Usually assisted living facilities provide three meals a day served in a dining area, along with housekeeping and laundry.

Personal Assistance

The staff also provides any physical assistance needed for disabled persons, such as helping with bathing, dressing and walking.

Additional Services

Assisted living facilities typically offer recreational activities and exercise programs.

Short-Term Options

Short-term stays are an option for people needing assistance after an operation, injury or illness.

Tags: assisted living, living facilities, assisted living, Assisted living, Assisted living facilities