Friday, April 29, 2011

Identify Asthma Symptoms

Asthma is a chronic disease that leaves the airways to your lungs inflamed or swollen. Smoke, pollen or dust may increase sensitivity. Muscles around the airway may tighten when coming in contact with these asthma culprits. An impaired, overreacting immune system is the main cause of asthma. According to the American Lung Association, approximately 20 million Americans suffer with asthma. Although this respiratory disease is most commonly developed in childhood, it can affect people at any age.


1. Watch for an irritating, persistent cough. This is usually the first sign of an asthma attack.

2. Be aware of tightening or pain in the chest muscles. In the beginning, this may be the only symptom that the patient experiences.

3. Look for wheezing upon exhaling a breath. As an attack progresses, this wheezing almost always worsens.

4. Notice any shortness of breath. This appears after wheezing has progressed. You may be unaware of labored breathing at first. Once diagnosed with asthma, it is important to watch for normal and abnormal breathing patterns.

5. Understand that sweating and rapid heartbeat symptoms progress during an asthma attack.

Tags: asthma attack, with asthma