Friday, February 4, 2011

Use Ghee

Ghee is butter that has been clarified to remove all of the milk solids. The result is a clear, rich butter that does not burn easily and adds flavor to many kinds of dishes. Though ghee is associated with Indian food, it can be used in any type of dish that calls for butter or oil. Ghee is also beneficial to the health when used as an emollient.


1. Use ghee in place of sesame oil or olive oil when frying vegetables and meats. Ghee can withstand high temperatures without smoking, making it an ideal fat to use when stir-frying.

2. Bring out the flavor of garlic, whole peppercorns and other spices by sauteing them in ghee. Though the ghee will not burn easily, your spices will, so be sure to saute only briefly before adding other ingredients to your pan.

3. Flavor rices and pastas with ghee for a rich, buttery taste. Drizzle a small amount of ghee over the top of your finished dish and toss for even distribution.

4. Apply ghee to the skin with a soft cloth. The oil acts as a natural moisturizer.

5. Use a few drops of ghee combined with a few drops of lavender oil or another essential oil in the bath. The combination of the oils will provide a soft scented bath that is relaxing for the mind and body.

Tags: burn easily, butter that, Though ghee