Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Care For A Fiberglass Cast

A fiberglass cast is used to protect and immobilize a healing body part. The fiberglass cast material works well as a cast because it's lightweight, durable and porous so that air can pass through the cast. Learning appropriate care of your fiberglass cast will decrease the incidence of complications such as infection or skin breakdown as well as help you understand the limitations of the cast material.


1. Allow the fiberglass cast to air-dry for at least one hour after it is applied.

2. Elevate the cast above the level of the heart on pillows or another support for the first 48 hours after application to reduce swelling and pain.

3. Apply ice packs over the cast at the level of the injury to reduce swelling. Place a towel or another barrier between the ice pack and the cast to prevent the cast from becoming wet.

4. Circle areas where blood or drainage seeps through the cast. Write the time and date of the drainage on the cast with a pen or marker.

5. Cover the fiberglass cast with a plastic cast cover before bathing.

6. Dry the cast immediately with a blow-dryer on a cool setting if the cast becomes wet.

Tags: fiberglass cast, cast material, cast with, reduce swelling, through cast