Thursday, November 1, 2012

Signs & Symptoms Of Arthritis

According to the Arthritis Foundation, a non-profit organization dedicated to research, treatment and outreach, almost 46 million people face the challenges that arthritis brings (see Resources). Arthritis is the inflammation of the joints throughout the body, and it affects people of all ages. Learning the signs and symptoms of the disease can bring about a speedy diagnosis and effective treatment.


Joint pain is the most prevalent symptom of arthritis, according to the Mayo Clinic. Hands, wrists, ankles and knees are common targets for arthritis pain, but it can affect other joints as well.


You may feel stiff and have trouble maintaining a normal range of motion in the joints that are inflamed.


The areas of your body that are affected by arthritis may redden as a result of the inflammation present. You may feel a warmth in these joints as well.

Deformed Joints

People with severe arthritis may develop deformities in their joints. Joints in the fingers, for example, may appear overly large and knobby as a result of the disease.

Type-Specific Symptoms

More than 100 types of arthritis exist, some of them carrying symptoms that are specific to their type of the disease. Psoriatic arthritis, for example, is characterized by a red rash. Reactive arthritis can cause eye inflammation. These symptoms are in addition to the joint pain and other signs of the larger umbrella of arthritis.

Tags: joints well