Thursday, July 7, 2011

Prevent Infection Of A Sunburn

While sunburns are very painful, mild sunburns are not usually at risk for infection. However if you have a sunburn that is blistered, you can get an infection from your sunburn. Signs of infection include increased pain or swelling, red lines running from the sunburn, drainage of pus from blisters and fever. However, you can help prevent infection in sunburn with some general tips. Read on to learn more.


1. Bandage the sun burnt area lightly with gauze to keep bacteria out of it. Change the bandage daily, or if it becomes dirty or wet. However, do not cover the sun burnt area with a heavy bandage as this keeps heat from the sunburn close to the skin and may prevent healing.

2. Avoid wearing clothing or shoes that rub against blisters, as this could cause them to pop or become irritated.

3. Do not pop blisters (unless your doctor recommends it) as this allows bacteria to get into the skin. Leave them alone until they dry up and flake off. If you need to, you can carefully remove the flakes and apply a hydrocortisone cream to help promote healing.

4. Apply a topical antibiotic such as polymixin B or bacitracin, if you're not allergic to it, if your blisters pop or your doctor recommends it.

5. Drink plenty of water to prevent dehydration and keep the body's healing abilities.

Tags: burnt area, doctor recommends, from sunburn, your doctor, your doctor recommends