Friday, July 22, 2011

Eat Healthy At The Melting Pot

There are certain aspects of the 70's that we hope never come back in full swing. Yet, others like fondue are welcomed with opened arms with places like The Melting Pot making fondue a hip dining experience. If you are having trouble deciphering eat healthy The Melting Pot, keep reading.


1. Avoid eating the bread and cheese during the first course. Stick to the apples and the vegetables. The cheese is roughly an extra 14 grams of fat and over 240 calories alone.

2. Order your salad with a vinaigrette dressing rather than a creamy dressing.

3. Make the main course seafood, chicken or vegetarian. Also, eat as many vegetables as you can stand during this course. They will fill you up without adding any fat or calories to your meal.

4. Choose a cooking style that is vegetable based or cholesterol free oil.

5. Skip dessert. The dessert course is over 300 calories and almost six grams of fat depending on your selection. If you must have dessert, order just chocolate instead of adding in extras like cookies or alcohol. Also, eat as many fruits as possible rather than cakes or marshmallows.

6. Consider making a choice between skipping the cheese course or the dessert course. It will help to cut some calories and fat, but still maintain the whole fondue experience.

Tags: Also many, dessert course, over calories, rather than