Thursday, December 17, 2009

How Does Anorexia Affect The Body

How Does Anorexia Affect the Body?

The Heart Suffers Most

People who suffer from Anorexia Nervosa severely restrict the amount of calories they consume, which means the body is not getting any fuel. The body then goes into starvation mode, slowing down all bodily processes. Eventually, it will begin to consume itself, leading to organ and bone loss.

Anorexia Nervosa is a mental disorder that can severely damage almost every body system. In addition, five to ten percent of people who develop Anorexia Nervosa die from it. Most of those die from heart disease, as the heart especially suffers from the effects of Anorexia. The heart is a muscle, and as the body consumes muscle mass for energy, the heart loses mass as well, getting smaller and weaker.

The Bones Suffer First

Because Anorexia usually begins during adolescence, it's the bones that often suffer the first irreversible damage. Instead of gaining bone mass, which happens rapidly in puberty, people who suffer from Anorexia are losing it instead. Bone loss can happen as soon as 6 months after someone starts to show anorexic behavior. This can lead to hip replacements, broken bones and osteoporosis, all at an extremely early age. Bone damage from Anorexia Nervosa can also lead to disfigurement as bones lose mass.

Many Body Systems Are Damaged

Anorexia Nervosa causes anemia and a low count of blood white cells, making people with the disorder more susceptible to diseases. It causes dry, sometimes bleeding skin, hair loss, loosened teeth, and can damage a woman's fertility due to a loss of menstrual periods.

People who suffer from Anorexia also have a lack of energy, feel weak and cold, may be constipated and suffer from headaches. All of these symptoms are due to weak circulation, which in turn is due to a loss of muscle mass in the heart. Long-term effects of Anorexia on the body include heart disease, kidney failure, stunted growth and eventually death.

Tags: Anorexia Nervosa, from Anorexia, suffer from, suffer from Anorexia, Affect Body