Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Diminish Insomnia And Gain More Sleep

Insomnia is defined as having trouble initiating, or sustaining sleep at least three nights per week

Insomnia is often described as tossing and turning, looking at the clock and being unable to fall asleep. Sometimes just falling asleep is a very difficult thing to do; the body may be tired, but the brain is wide awake. Insomnia can occur at any stage of life, but may occur more often as a person ages. When insomnia first strikes, try some tried and true home remedies to help catch some zzzzzzs.


1. Steer clear of caffeine in the later hours of the day

Cut caffeine from the diet. The first line of defense against insomnia is to eliminate caffeine from the diet, or at least cut back. Caffeine is a stimulant and plays a major role in keeping a person awake at night. The best thing to do is cut caffeine out of the diet completely, but if that is impossible then try to avoid caffeine after 11:00 a.m. Caffeine drunk in the afternoon is still in the system at bedtime.

2. Have a schedule for consistent sleeping and waking times

Follow a schedule. Using a schedule is one of the most important steps a person can take to reduce insomnia. A schedule involves creating a set time to go to bed and a specific time to wake up each day. For best results, stick with this same schedule on the weekends as well until the body becomes acclimated to the schedule and falling asleep becomes much easier.

3. Avoid napping, especially late in the afternoon

Stay awake during the day. Avoid taking any naps, even though it is tempting to do following a night of insomnia. Taking an afternoon nap makes it much more difficult to fall asleep at night, as well as disrupting the sleep-wake cycle. If a nap is a must, then make sure to sleep no more than 30 minutes.

4. Exercise daily

Exercise daily. Exercise helps insomnia by releasing endorphins that provide a feeling of contentment and help in falling asleep. Exercise should be part of a daily routine. It is best done for at least 30 minutes a day and in the morning or early afternoon.

5. Cool, dark bedrooms promote sleep

Create a relaxing bedroom environment. The bedroom should not be stimulating, but relaxing. A relaxing atmosphere is a cool, dark bedroom with soft, comfortable pillows, blankets and sheets. Adding a relaxing aromatherapy scent, such as lavender, creates the perfect sleeping environment.

6. Play a quiet game such as solitaire until becoming sleepy

Avoid turning and tossing. This movement makes it more challenging to fall asleep. If sleep hasn't occurred in about 10 to 15 minutes, then get up and do something quiet until the sensation of being tired and sleepy occurs again. Return to the bed and attempt to fall asleep again. Some quiet activities that help promote the feeling of tiredness can include playing solitaire, reading or listening to quiet music.

7. Visit a doctor if the insomnia persists

Visit a doctor. If all else fails and insomnia remains persistent, then see a doctor to rule out any medical conditions that may be causing the insomnia. The physician may also prescribe a medication to use for a short amount of time to overcome the insomnia.

Tags: fall asleep, falling asleep, caffeine from, caffeine from diet, daily Exercise, Exercise daily