Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Diet For Diabetes With Kidney Failure

Diabetes occurs when the body cannot produce enough insulin or use the insulin manufactured. Insulin regulates blood sugar levels, and excess blood sugar causes kidneys problems. The National Diabetes Information Clearinghouse says diabetes injures small blood vessels in the kidney, making it hard for kidneys to clean blood. When kidneys can't clean blood, the body retains fluids, and waste products build up in the blood. If this is left unchecked, kidney failure occurs. Because many people have excess protein in their urine, a diet for diabetes with kidney failure is high in carbohydrates, and low in protein.

Fill Plate with Grains and Vegetables

Third Age newsletter, sponsored by AARP, provides suggestions for a diet for diabetics with kidney failure, including making grains and vegetables the main dish of a meal. Add color to the plate by eating a variety of vegetables like leafy greens, peppers, carrots and other colorful vegetables. You can eat these vegetables raw or steamed. Eat whole grains like wheat bread, brown rice, quinoa, millet or other fiber-rich grains. Eating grains and vegetables promotes a healthy digestion. Avoid refined starches like white rice or bleached flour because they raise blood sugar levels. Eat protein as a side dish. On sandwiches, fill the bread with vegetables like alfalfa sprouts, tomatoes, cucumbers and peppers, and use a small piece of meat.

Choose Vegetarian and Lean Proteins

The body needs protein for normal functions like muscle growth and menstruation, so diabetes diets to prevent kidney failure still need at least two servings of protein a day. Eat vegetarian protein sources like soy and soy products, beans and legumes, nuts and seeds, low-fat dairy products, and other meat substitutes. Stick with lean animal proteins like chicken and fish. Dietitians help people on low-protein diets figure out a meal plan that fits individual needs. Avoid fatty, fried foods, processed meats, cured sausages and smoked meats.

Eat Two Servings of Fruit

Diabetics with kidney failure on a low-protein diet need to eat two servings of fruit per day. Fruit serves as a healthy alternative to sugary treats like candy, pastries, and ice cream or salty snacks.

Take a Multivitamin

People on low-protein diets for kidney failure should take multivitamins to prevent vitamin deficiencies, such as B12. The U.S. National Library of Medicine says B12 deficiency anemia occurs because meat, eggs and dairy products produce this vitamin. Diabetics can ask their doctors for vitamin recommendations.

Tags: kidney failure, blood sugar, with kidney, blood sugar levels, clean blood, dairy products, grains vegetables