Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Signs Of Hormonal Acne

According to the American Academy of Dermatology, the unpleasant, sometimes painful skin breakouts classified as acne affect 40 to 50 million Americans. Acne is most common in teenagers, but can affect people of most any age.

Acne Cause

When sebaceous glands produce too much oil, pores can become blocked and infected as the oils mix with dirt, bacteria, and dead cells. The body's immune system creates the pus and inflammation in the blocked pore that is recognized as a pimple.

Role of hormones

A combination of hormones cause the body to create an excess amount of pore-clogging sebum. Hormone-related acne typically occurs in the teen years, but may also develop in women as hormones fluctuate during menstruation or pregnancy.

Signs of hormonal acne

The location of breakouts (typically the jaw and chin), the timing of the breakouts, as well as the presence of elevated levels of androgens in the blood, can suggest hormonally influenced acne. Acne flare-ups that occur consistently before a woman's menstrual cycle are the result of hormones, according to dermatologist Alan R. Shalita, MD, Department of Dermatology, State University of New York.


Women are often plagued with hormonal acne more than men as a result of the many hormonal changes their bodies go through, such as pregnancy, and menopause. However, the fluctuating hormones (especially testosterone) of the teen years can make boys more inclined to suffer from acne than girls of the same age.


Hormonal acne typically does not respond to traditional acne treatments, such as topical retinoids or antibiotics. Hormonal acne can be treated through the use of oral contraceptives for women and Accutane for men.


Seeing a physician who specializes in hormones is recommended for people who have acne that is not responding well to traditional treatments. Spironolactone (Aldactone®), Finasteride and isotretinoin have been shown to be highly effective in the treatment of hormone-influenced acne.

Tags: acne typically, Hormonal acne, hormonal acne, teen years