Monday, November 16, 2009

What Causes Loss Of Sexual Interest

Sexual desire waxes and wanes.

Both men and women occasionally lose sexual interest from time to time. This is sometimes caused by medical factors, but it can also be caused by environmental and psychological factors. If you or your partner are not showing as much sexual desire as you usually do, or are not showing sexual desire at all, you should think about what the cause may be in order to address it and get your sexual desire back.

Substance Abuse

Substance abuse often causes a reduced sex drive in both men and women. This is because most addictive chemicals -- like alcohol, cocaine or heroin -- reset your body's priorities. Rather than be concerned with having sex, an alcoholic is mostly concerned with getting more alcohol. So, if someone is chemically or psychologically addicted to something, then everything else, sex included, will take a back seat in her life.

Physical Problems

Some people (usually women) experience pain during sex or are unable to reach orgasm during sex. This makes the entire process less enjoyable than it should be, which reduces the sufferer's sexual desire.

Hormonal Problems

Men and women can lose their sexual desire because of their hormones. This happens more frequently in women, whose hormones tend to fluctuate more, particularly during their periods and/or for a few weeks or months after childbirth. Men, on the other hand, do not suffer from this problem as often as women, but their hormones can affect their sexual desire when their pituitary gland produces too much prolactin.

Psychological Problems

Psychological problems can eliminate your sexual desire. Financial stress, overwork and generally being preoccupied with other things reduces both male and female sex drive. So, if your sex drive has inexplicably disappeared, think about how your lifestyle has changed recently and whether that is affecting your psychological state.


Severe cases of depression cause sufferers to lose interest in everything, starting with getting out of bed in the morning. This means that these people also do not tend to have sexual desire, because just moving the covers off their heads is an effort. Like most mental illnesses, though, depression occurs on a spectrum, so it is possible for someone to be just depressed enough to lose their sexual desire but still be able to get out of bed and do other day-to-day things.

Tags: sexual desire, their sexual, their sexual desire, your sexual desire, concerned with